Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Too cute

My sweet little Caleb

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So much to do...Not enough time!

Wow! These last few weeks have been a blur! We have finally finished with the wedding rush! YAHOO! Things are starting to calm down a little bit! Two more family reunions to go and then maybe we can enjoy what's left of our summer! Jonah and Caleb are both still going strong and growing big! Jonah has become quite the little pistol these last few weeks. He has found an expanded vocabulary of words his dad and I don't like too much. "No, Stop, and I don't want the corner!" are just a few of the things we have discovered we don't like coming out of his mouth! Don't get me wrong, he is still my sweet little man, but he has had some moments these last few weeks. Not like he hasn't been sleep deprived, away from home, and constantly on the go! Just kidding....both my boys have been real troopers the last few weeks!
Caleb started rice cereal a little bit ago and absolutely LOVES it! He is very mad at me in this picture though because we ran out!
He is becoming such a fun little guy! His personality is starting to show so much more. I love his little smile...his cheeks are so chubby it always makes me laugh!

Jonah and him are best buds already! Jonah loves to make his baby brother smile and laugh. I love watching them together.
My poor little man. The night of Kylie and Steve's wedding we got home, put Jonah to bed and a little while later go in there to check on him and this is what we found.

He was so tired he was almost falling off the side of his toddler bed! Poor guy! Well, now that things are starting to slow down hopefully I won't have to see this every night!